Here are the the pronouns we will be using in this lesson:
- Я (ya) - I
- ты (tea) - you (familiar)
- он (own) - he
- она (ona) - she
- мы (me) - us
- вы (vee)- you (formal or plural)
- они (onie) - they
- я понимаю - I understand
- ты понимаешь - you understand
- он понимаешь - he understands
- она понимаешь - she understands
- мы понимаем - we understand
- вы понимаете - you understand
- они понимают - they understand
- Я говорю - I speak
- ты говоришь - you speak
- он говорит - he speaks
- она говорит - she speaks
- мы говорим - we speak
- вы говорите - you speak
- они говорят - they speak
Now suppose you want to actually use these verbs in a sentence. Well you already know how to say a few nationalities. To say that someone speaks "in" Russian for example, you would say "Она говорит по-русски" by adding "по-" to a nationality with the ending "ки".
This works equally for the verb "to understand". If you wanted to say that you understand "in" Russian, you would say "Я понимаю по-русски."
If you want to ask someone if they speak "in" English, the same formula applies, only you would add intonation. "Ты говоришь по-английски?"